Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Split pea soup of a cold fall day

I never liked split-pea soup when I was a child, just ask my mom. I hated it in fact and when I told my mom recently then I found an amazing recipe for it and I loved it she was not happy. What can I say though your tastes definitely change over time. Especially as you become an adult more and more can change that you would thought you would never have tried.

This pea soup is wholesome and pure nutrition in a bowl. I love it. It is getting quite cold in Maine and its perfect for this time of the year. Plus you can put it in the crock pot and let it sit all day and when you get home dinner is done.

So on with the recipe!

You will need:

2 cups of split peas
2 cups of chopped black forest ham
4 celery stalks with leaves chopped
3 carrots chopped
1 onion chopped
3 cloves of garlic chopped up
1/4 cup of fresh parsley chopped
2 bay leafs
5 1/2 cups of vegetable broth

Small note if you completely withhold the ham this soup is completely vegetarian. Maybe add a dried bean to it like cannellini beans or another white bean that will hold up to the cooking process.

Then pile all your ingredients into your crock pot and set it on low for 8 to 10 hrs.

Then serve it up with a grilled cheese sandwich and you have dinner done! It is an amazing healthy meal to have at the end of a long day. Give it a shot!

Enjoy !!!

1 comment:

  1. This is my absolute favorite meal. I LOVE pea soup- always have always will. This looks yummy. I will have to try this one :)


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