Monday, January 25, 2010

Sweet Onion Curry

Adapted from: The Crepes of Wrath

I have been recently obsessed with curries because there are so many options. I found this sweet onion curry on Crepes of Wrath and knew I had to try it. It was delicious, spicy, warming, and nutritious. The added bonus of marinating the chicken overnight adds so much flavor that this recipe will be hard to resist. Sure it is great going out to eat for this stuff. Why risk spending money on something you may not like when you can create a masterpiece in your very own kitchen? I ask you this my friends. Take the time at home and master curries hell master anything you have been wanting to try for awhile. That is the fun of cooking Top Notch Eats !!!

The marinade
- juice of 1 lemon
- pepper and salt
- 1/4 tsp of ginger
- 1 tsp turmeric
- 1/2 tsp of curry powder
- 1/2 tsp garam masala
- 1 tbs evoo

Cut your chicken or tofu up in chunks. Pour them both into a gallon ziploc bag and set in the fridge overnight.

The next day chop up 2 onions (I used one yellow onion and one vidalia) and place them in the food processor.

Chop up one more onion (I used a big white onion), one green pepper, and one red pepper. Saute them up in a little olive oil. Then add in the marinated chicken. Cook through until the chicken is done.

Then add in the onion puree from before plus 3 tbs of garlic and mix through.

Then you will get this golden yellow curry that is full of delicious onion flavor and whole hell of a lot of spicy goodness.

Serve up that masterpiece over some sweet brown rice and you can do no wrong.

Enjoy !!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Thanks for the comment! I'm not the cook in my house (hubby is- I'm just the baker lol) but I will add you to my google reader and make some suggestions for dinner ;) haha
    If you ever want to do a guest post over on my blog let me know!


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