Monday, January 18, 2010

Alton Brown's Live and Let Diet

I must say I adore Alton Brown. He is fantastic and cooks in an easy way that anyone can manage. His show Good Eats is not only informative it is beyond entertaining. Recently Mr. Brown has shed 50 lbs. and I thoroughly agree with his approach to eating healthy and as the title of the episode where he described his process "Live and Let Diet."

It is a simple approach. Plus, the only items he is withholding from his diet are those that should be withheld.

He has items on his list(s) that he can't eat 0 times weekly which include
- fast food
- soda
- processed meals
- canned soups (I imagine because of the high sodium)
- "diet" anything

Then he has a list of items he can only eat 1 time a week which include
- red meat
- pasta
- dessert
- alcohol

Then items he has to eat 3 times per week
- oily fish
- yogurt
- broccoli
- sweet potato
- avocado

Then items he must eat daily no matter what
- fruits
- whole grains
- leafy greens
- nuts
- carrots
- green tea

The thing I like the most about this is that its reasonable. Plus, he is eating! He is eating all the right nutrients that should be in your body. He is eating a well-balanced and I hate to say it guided by the tried and true food pyramid.

It pays off Mr. Brown went from looking like this....

To this....

It is a beautiful idea. Eat what you should eat, don't go overboard, keep away from the processed crap, and in the words of Alton Brown, "Keep and eye on what you put in that whole in your face and you will be fine."

Enjoy !!!


  1. ha ha totally eat all the brussel sprouts you want.....these are just reconmendations from mister alton....not all he eats i imagine...

  2. But I need my five or six cocktails a night!

  3. where is the dairy? no cheese, milk, butter, ghee,


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