Tuesday, April 13, 2010

chicken breasts with segmented lemon butter sauce

This is such a simple recipe it is not even funny. Plus there is a lesson about segmenting fruit. How can you go wrong? You must read on.

I have always loved lemon chicken forever. My mom made it for us a lot when we were younger. Obviously, anything I ever make wont compare to childhood memories but this does take second place for sure. It is an amazingly delicious fairly light alternative to a previously rich meal. Lemon chicken can sometimes have a rich buttery sauce, which is why it totally rocks. As we grow older it is even more important to cut fat where we can and substitute while not sacrificing taste. That is the essence of this meal. Rich, lower in fat, and without taking away all the great things of the meal.

Segmenting fruit in 3 easy steps

Step 1 - Take your lemons and slice the top and bottom off of each one. This will allow it to stand up on one end without rolling around.

Step 2 - Begin to shimmy your pairing knife in between the white flesh of the lemon and the whole fruit of the lemon like you see in the picture below.

Step 3 - Then pick up the fruit in the palm of your hand. Begin to shimmy your pairing knife in between the white flesh segments of the lemon. This will allow the little lemon segments to pop right out of the lemon.

Next, melt 4 tbs of light butter into a frypan. Add in 6 sliced shallots into the pan as well. Once the shallots become translucent and fragrant add in your lemon segments. This is going to create the most divine lemon butter sauce that wont give you a coronary.

Then, take 2 chicken breasts and lightly dredge them in flour.

Remove the lemon butter sauce from your frypan and place it in a separate dish. Then add 1 tbs of olive oil to the pan. Let it get nice and hot probably at medium high and place your chicken down. Let it sear nice and brown on each side. If you leave it 5-7 minutes on each side it should cook all the way through. Don't fiddle with it....Don't turn in more than once. You wont regret it trust me !!!

Place a fresh bed of spinach down on your plate.

Add the lemon butter sauce back to your pan so it can get the chicken coated.

Serve it up with some brown rice and baked asparagus and you have yourself a perfect meal. The lemon butter sauce is also great on top of brown rice.

How good does this look???

Enjoy !!!


  1. oo lemon butter sauce looks great. Like the new layout of the blog! :)

  2. Thanks DailyChef !!


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