Sunday, May 16, 2010

perfect breakfast and revisiting the omelet

The love I have for fresh eggs is more than just a search for a well balanced protein. Fresh eggs compared to the eggs that sit on store shelves in coolers at the perfect temperature are a completely different entity all together. Fresh eggs taste the way an egg should taste.

There is a beauty behind it too. Eggs that are fresh (maybe 1-2 weeks after being laid) cook perfectly. I think that, besides the taste, is the reason I love them the most.

The coolest part about it is that there are so many varieties. Recently, I found a workmate who has chickens and a plentiful amount of eggs. Plus, he is selling them for $2.00 a dozen. That is cheaper than the grocery store. Plus, I can know exactly which breed my eggs come from.

When I realized I could have fresh eggs whenever I wanted (within healthful nutritional guidelines) I was beyond happy. I was so eager to try them when I found out that I ordered 2 dozen.

Being that I was so excited I figured I should give an omelet another whirl. I tried perfecting the omelet here after I had watched the omelet hour with Julia Child.

My Sunday morning was complete. Hot coffee, toast, Canadian bacon, and a perfect omelet to share with my husband.

Give it a whirl !!!

Enjoy !!!

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