Thursday, June 3, 2010


Adapted from: Martha Stewart Living

There are certain things about my Polish heritage that I love. Two of those things are pierogis and kielbasa. I have been trying for several years to perfect pierogis. The ones that are in the frozen aisle can filled with horrible fillers, added sodium, more fat, and un-natural items that you just don't want in your diet. These were so unbelievably easy to make and fun. It would be a perfect mess-free fun item to cook with kids.

Start off with combining 1 egg, 2 tbs of sour cream, 1 cup of skim milk, and 1 cup of water in a bowl together.

Then add in 4 1/2 to 5 of all purpose flour and mix it thoroughly together.

Then make some mashed potatoes. Boil up some yukon gold potatoes and mash them together with some butter, salt, pepper, buttermilk, or milk. Cut a circle of dough out you can use a simple cookie cutter to do this. Then scoop a tablespoon into half of the circle.

Fold over the the circle and press it closed with your fingers.

You can arrange them on a baking sheet, freeze them on the sheet, then take them out of the freezer as you need. Or you can boil them right there.

The best part of pierogis are that they cook up just like ravioli. Once they are done they rise to the top of the boiling water.

Add some butter, salt, and pepper and enjoy with a hearty salad....You will be one happy camper!!!

Enjoy !!!

1 comment:

  1. I've never actually had this before. It looks amazing!


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