Sunday, January 9, 2011

vegan chocolate pudding

I adore challenges in cooking.  Which is why I always attempt other genre's of cooking i.e. vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, allergy free, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish you catch my drift. Cooking can really be an adventure if you let it happen naturally.  I hear people all the time chatting at work that they have problems planning meals and ensuring that there families eat healthy and enjoy their time they have together.  Sometimes it saddens me because a lot of people in larger cities especially rush, rush, rush to get to the next big thing.  Often we don't realize how important it is to take stock in the small things in life that we do have.  Because those small things sometimes may not be huge to us Americans, but to others around the world they are out of reach and part of "the American Dream."  Often, as Americans we feel like we only need to be utterly thankful around the holidays, but try to doing it weekly and I assure you that your overall happiness with soar.  It will also allow you to realize that this is the only life we have and we mustn't take it for it granted. 

Part of why I wanted to write about this is that it's incredibly important to not let LIFE stifle your need as a human being to fuel your body properly.  This does happen to us all from time to time, but it is crucial to not let it overpower you. 

Part of how you can start doing this is exploring new ideas and options that are out there for you.  Starting by cooking a lot more from scratch and relishing in the good stuff all the while making it a healthier experience. 

I recently found a recipe for vegan chocolate pudding.  I think when people often hear the word vegan they sometimes don't understand what it truly means.  It is literally nothing be scared of. 

The exact definition of vegan is as follows, 

a strict vegetarian who consumes no animal food or dairy products; also : one who abstains from using animal products.

Often times eating gluten free, vegan, vegetarian is just about proper substitution.  I really wanted something special for a birthday desert so i figured this may be a good idea.  It was so unbelievable simple as well.  

In a saucepan you will want to melt the following ingredients 
  • 1/2 cup of coconut oil
  • 1 cup of dark chocolate cocoa powder
  • 3/4 cup honey
  • pinch of cinnamon
  • pinch of salt

Whisk it all together in the saucepan then add it to serving dishes.  I thought that this made 2 servings, but it really will be 5-6 servings.  Only because it is so rich.  I recommend using an older ice cube tray.  Adding 2-3 tbs of the pudding to each section of the tray.  Placing a couple of raspberries on top and then refrigerating them.  When the mixture gets cold it will harden up and it actually ends up being similar to soft chocolate candy.  We could not eat all of them in time and i ended up freezing the rest of them and they are equally delicious right out of the freezer.  Separating them out into an ice cube tray is also perfect for portion control. 

Enjoy !!! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh what a great recipe! I always struggle to find good vegan recipes for my friends, but this one looks delicious and easy enough to make!


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