Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Beginning

I have chosen to begin this cooking, recipe, baking, natural eating food blog. It may in the end be much more than just that, but for now food blog it is. I have had several family and friends suggest I put my recipes and meals that I cook online in a collection for everyone to use. Once people began asking me what I made this week for dinner and seemed quite interested in what I came up with.....I decided why not give it a try. There is nothing more that I love doing that planning what my husband and I will have for dinner during the week. I absolutely love to cook and I love knowing exactly what is in the things we eat and how they can better our overall health. Sometimes I do sneak in super healthy things into sauces, soups, and casseroles that my husband never ground flax seed....but more on that later.

We have a store in the area called the Natural Living Center that I go to every week to get items in bulk for a much more affordable cost that the local grocery stores. Getting exactly what you need of an item is far more economical than purchasing a massive container of corn meal when you only need 1/2 a cup. Today at my weekly shopping at the Natural Living Center I picked up these beauties!
There is nothing better than a heirloom tomato in the end of summer. If you have never had one seriously spend the extra 2-3 bucks and get one you wont regret it. This time of year you can get them most places (natural food stores, farmer's markets) minus the mainstream grocery stores. They are far superior than the mealy non-ripe tomato you sometimes find in the grocery store. Take a Saturday or Sunday afternoon and take a break and enjoy a delicious lunch like I did this rainy Saturday. A wonderful tomato, some delicious bread, olive oil (it doesn't even have to be the good stuff), sea salt, and some pepper.....its the best stuff on earth for sure....
More recipes to come for sure!!!!


  1. So so happy
    A: you started a blog
    B: started a blog with tasty recipes.
    C: There are additional ways to stalk you.

    I love the owl :)

  2. Ha ha ray and I were talking about me using the owl as my logo somehow for the blog...more to come for sure....this is way to fun


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